Herbs to aid digestion | Your Health

Herbs to aid digestion

Herbs to aid digestion


Indigestion is defined as a disease that leads to chronic and recurrent pain in the upper part of the abdomen, and this pain is accompanied by a feeling of satiety, and fullness before finishing the meal, and burning sensation in the stomach or esophagus, and can cause heartburn, in addition to nausea, It is worth noting that it is a common condition among children and adults, and in both sexes. Almost everyone suffers from it, due to wrong eating habits, such as: eating it very quickly, excessive amount, and a large number of fatty and spicy meals, and lying down Immediately after eating, it is either a sign of a problem or disease in the digestive system, such as: ulcers, gallbladder disease, and gastroesophageal reflux.

Herbs to aid digestion 

Research has indicated the importance of herbs in treating indigestion. For example, a 2002 review article published that caraway and peppermint have an effective effect in reducing indigestion problems, in addition to what similar scientific studies have proven, despite their limitations, of similar results. Indicating the need to consult a doctor before taking any kind of herbs; As some of them may interfere with the effectiveness of medications, and some of the following items are useful in cases of indigestion:

•The circuit: Where fenugreek seeds and leaves are used in the treatment of indigestion, boiling 50 grams of leaves and frying them with butter will relieve excessive bile excretion.

•Anise: Eating soaked anise is useful in treating indigestion, as it is prepared by mixing a teaspoon of it in a cup of boiling water, leaving it covered overnight, filtered and eaten with honey.

•Peppermint: It can be added to many recipes and tea, but it is mostly consumed in the form of nutritional supplements, and it should be noted that consuming peppermint oil for at least four weeks significantly reduces the symptoms of [[Irritable Bowel Syndrome in detail | Irritable bowel syndrome]], because it affects as an antispasmodic, and soothes the intestine.

•Ginger: Where the European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology published a study which showed that ginger helps to accelerate the process of transporting food from the stomach to the upper part of the small intestine, which contributes to promoting digestion, which made its use in traditional treatment in Asia a wide Prevalence, as well as among pregnant women, as it has been used in the treatment of abdominal pain and nausea, and it is worth noting that there are many forms, such as: ginger tea, and nutritional supplements, as it is added to sweets, and is considered a preferred spice in Japanese cuisine.

•Basil: It contains substances that may reduce gases, increase appetite, reduce spasms, and improve the digestion completely, as well as contains eugenol compound, which may help to reduce the amount of acid in the stomach, and is anti-inflammatory; As it is rich in linoleic acid, it is also worth noting that the basil leaves can be added to the food, whether dry or fresh.

•Sagebrush: where studies have shown its importance in treating digestive problems; As it relieves abdominal pain, flatulence, and helps reduce stomach disorders and diarrhea, as sage tea reduces spasms, and it is worth noting that the sage herb possesses carminative properties.

Dyslexia Tips digestion 

Treatment of indigestion depends on the cause of the infection, but following the following suggestions may contribute to avoiding it:

•Avoid foods rich in acids, such as: tomatoes and citrus fruits. 
•Avoid smoking As it causes irritation of the stomach lining. 
•Using a type of heating bag and putting it on the stomach for 20 minutes, or bathing in warm water; As the heat may relax the tight muscles, and relieve stomach disorders, and indigestion.
• Exercise before meals, or at least an hour. 
•Eat snacks; To avoid stomach fatigue. 
•Avoid using narrow clothing; As it puts pressure on the stomach, which can cause its contents to return to the esophagus.
• Drink more water, as it is recommended to drink eight cups daily for adults, and less for children. This is because the water provides health benefits to the body in general, and to the digestive system in particular, as it relieves stomach upset and reduces dehydration that negatively affects the digestion process; It makes it more difficult, and less effective, and it is worth noting that water helps the body to digest and absorb nutrients efficiently from food and drink. 
•Avoid or reduce caffeinated foods and drinks.
•Avoid going straight to sleep after eating the last meal of the day, but wait for at least three hours. 
•Adequate sleep position, with the head raised approximately 16 cm using pillows; This helps the digestive juices flow into the intestine, rather than the esophagus. 
•Avoid stress, by training to deal with stress, and learn the methods followed, including: biofeedback techniques, and relaxation.

Cases requiring a visit to the doctor 

Some cases of indigestion can call a doctor’s advice, the most important of which are:
•The pain continues for more than two weeks. 
•Stool turns black Weight loss, or appetite. 
•Vomiting frequently, or blood coming out with vomiting. 
•Increased problems during swallowing.
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