What are the benefits of avocado |Your Health

What are the benefits of avocado

What are the benefits of avocado


Avocado fruits are creamy, and grow in areas with a warm environment. This fruit is known by other names such as; Crocodile pear or butter fruit, and what distinguishes it from other fruits is that it contains a good amount of monounsaturated fatty acids. It is worth noting that avocado fruits are classified as fruits because of their growth on trees, and they belong specifically to the blueberry family due to the fact that they contain a layer of thick pulp and a large individual seed.

Avocado benefits

 Food ingredients for avocado 

•Rich in unsaturated fats: Avocado is distinguished from other fruits as being rich in healthy fats. Where monounsaturated fats constitute 15% of them, and polyunsaturated fats make up about 3% of them, and therefore this fruit provides the body with unique and health-promoting elements.

•Rich source of folic acid: As one serving of avocado equivalent to a third of one fruit or approximately 50 grams of avocado covers about 15% of the recommended daily intake for an adult of folic acid, the importance of folic acid is necessary for cell growth, as it is Necessarily necessary during pregnancy. As its deficiency may increase the risk of the fetus having spinal defects and neural tube defects.

•A source rich in vitamins and minerals: Avocado contains many vitamins and minerals. The whole avocado is a good source of vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B2, vitamin B3 and vitamin B5, and it also provides many important minerals from it; Magnesium, potassium, copper and manganese.

•A source rich in dietary fiber: Avocado is a rich source of dietary fiber, which helps to lose weight and reduce the speed of high blood sugar. It is also linked to a low risk of many diseases, and provides 100 grams of avocado to the body, approximately 27% of the recommended amount of intake. Daily of fiber, it is worth noting that there are two different types of fiber in avocado fruit, distributed by 25% for water-soluble fiber and 75% for water-insoluble fiber.

•Rich source of antioxidants: Avocado is rich in some types of antioxidants, including: Lutein, which reduces the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration, preserves skin tissue, and reduces the development of cataracts, or white water in the eye, and also contains avocado on some other antioxidants, such as: ziazanthin, and glutathione.

Avocado benefits according to degree of effectiveness

• Reducing cholesterol levels: Avocado consumption may help lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body, [6] where a study published in the Archives of Medical Research showed the effect of a high diet with monounsaturated fatty acids in blood lipids. The study was conducted on 15 Healthy person and 35 people with high cholesterol; Where they were provided with a diet rich in avocado, and the results of the study showed a decrease in the level of triglycerides in the blood by up to 22%, a decrease in the rate of harmful cholesterol by up to 22%, and an increase in the level of beneficial cholesterol in the blood by up to 11%,It is worth noting that most studies on the benefit of avocado in lowering the levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood have been done in a small number of people.

Avocado benefits for diet

 Avocado helps lose weight when consumed in moderate quantities due to the fact that it contains a good amount of monounsaturated fats and dietary fiber. Of avocado in the lunch meal helps to feel full for 3 to 5 hours after eating the meal, but it is worth noting that a healthy weight loss depends on following several steps, and it is not possible to rely on only one food or method, just as there is no reason One for obesity or overweight, as there is no single solution for weight loss either.

Avocado benefits for pregnant and fetus

 Avocado is distinguished from other fruits and vegetables by its high content of important nutrients, such as potassium and folate, which the mothers' diet usually lacks, and avocado containing a high amount of monounsaturated fiber and fats and fat-soluble antioxidants is linked to an improvement Maternal health, birth outcomes, and breast milk quality, but it is worth noting that there is not enough information about the safety of taking avocados in dosages of pregnant and breastfeeding women, so it is advised to consume it in moderate amounts only during these stages of life.

Benefits of avocado and juice for children and infants

 Avocados are rich in nutrients such as protein, vitamins, and essential minerals, which are important for the child's development. They also help with the beneficial fats that contain the growth of the child's brain. Avocados are a good option when starting to introduce solid foods to the infant's diet.

-As for avocado juice, it can be given to children to provide them with nutrients, taking into account that drinking a lot of avocado juice may increase weight due to the fact that it contains a good amount of calories like any other food or drink that contains calories, and it is worth noting that 100% natural fruit juices are always a better choice than sweetened juices or juice cocktails, and although natural and sweetened juices may have similar caloric content, the amount of beneficial nutrients is greater when consuming natural juices,It is also advised to make sure that the child gets the appropriate amount of juice without increasing it, and the following is the permitted amount of fruit juice for children according to age groups:

• Infants less than a year: Children’s drinking of juice at this age does not add any benefit to them, so it is not recommended to give them fruit juices except in small quantities to reduce the number of constipation they have, if any, and it is worth noting that juices at this stage may make children prefer drinks of Sweet aftertaste instead of drinking water.

•Children from one year to 6 years: It is advised for children at this age to not exceed the consumption of juice for more than 180 milliliters per day, and to give this amount during meals as part of it, without allowing children to drink it at any time during the day, and it is worth noting that a lot of eating Juices may lead to tooth decay.

•Children from 7 years to 18 years: The child can drink about a cup or 240 milliliters of juice a day, and this amount provides half of the recommended amount of fruits consumed daily.

Avocado benefits for bodybuilding

 Avocado may help to improve the level of fat in the blood and improve the absorption of nutrients due to its high content of healthy fats, which the body stores, and then used as a source of energy when exercising, and the fibers make up about 80% of the carbohydrate content in avocado; Which contributes to maintaining energy levels in the body, and avocado is a good source of the B group of vitamins, which play a role in energy production in the cells of the body. [17] It is worth noting that avocado can be used in meals to relieve muscle spasms due to its potassium content For example, you can use pureed avocadoWhen making sandwiches instead of mayonnaise, it can also be cut and eaten with salads.

Avocado damage

 Avocado safe 

Avocado is mostly safe to consume for most people when consumed in moderate quantities, and it is possible that it is safe to consume medicinal quantities for a period of up to two years. There is sufficient information to determine the safety of pregnant and breastfeeding women who use Avocado in medicinal quantities, so they are advised to take it in a moderate amount.

Avocado Warning 

•Avocado intake may cause allergy symptoms in people with mouth allergy syndrome. 
Symptoms include itching of the mouth or lips. In rare cases, symptoms may develop into urticaria, difficulty breathing, or anaphylaxis. 
•Sudden change in the intake of vitamin K intake in the diet may cause an imbalance in patients who take blood thinners such as warfarin; This is because vitamin K plays an important role in the process of blood clotting in the body, and it is worth noting that avocado is a rich source of vitamin K. 
•Avoiding too much avocado can lead to weight gain because it contains a large amount of calories,Therefore, it is advisable when taking avocado to consider reducing other foods that provide the body with a large amount of calories.

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