Back exercises | Your Health

Back exercises

Superman position exercise on the floor 

Superman's posture exercise contributes to fully enhancing the performance of the back muscles, and it also improves the performance of the muscles that help the back and spine movement which are called "erectile muscles of the spine", and is performed through the following steps:

• Lie on the abdomen, taking into account the proximity of the feet to each other. •Extend the arms over the head. 
•Keeping the abdominal muscles tight. 
•Keep the neck straight with the spine. 
•Lift the arms with the chest and legs, hold the position for about 5 seconds, then return to the comfort position.

Bridge exercise

 The bridge exercise targets the muscles that enhance back support and body balance, including the "backbone muscles", and are performed by:

• Lie on the back. 
•Bend your knees with care to put both feet on the floor. 
•The farmers lay stretched out beside the body.
•Pressing the feet to lift the hips while maintaining tense abdominal muscles. 
•Lifting one foot from the ground, then returning it and lifting the other foot. 
•Repeat the exercise several times.

Maneuvering exercise 

Maneuvering exercise helps support the back and abdomen, and is performed by:

• Lie on the ground with the feet laid straight with the floor and the feet apart, so that they do not move further than the width of the hips. 
•Putting hands to either side of the body. 
•Taking a deep breath and taking it out. 
•When taking a deep breath, the navel should be pulled towards the spine, relying on the muscles of the abdomen, and the hips should not be tilted. 
•Hold this position for 5 seconds, then return to resting position and re-exercising five times.

Partial Curvature Exercise 

Partial curvature training helps support the muscles of the spine, and is performed by:

•Lie on the ground and place the feet straight. 
•Bend the knees. Place hands on chest. 
•Take a deep breath, take it out, and pull the navel toward the spine using the abdominal muscles. 
•Then slowly raise the shoulders off the ground and ensure that the neck is in a straight position with the spine. 
•return to the starting position and repeat the exercise ten times for three sessions.

Rowing exercise 

The rowing exercise contributes to building the back muscles, and is performed in gyms using a variety of machines that simulate the rowing process, where sitting is as if a person is in a boat, then pulling weights into it, taking into account the use of legs to push the bar forward.
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