Football can be defined as one of the team sports games that consist of two teams that each include eleven players, so that a competition is held between them to take the ball and pay it in the goal of the opposing team, and players can play the ball with any part of their body except their hands and arms, and it should be noted that a game Football is considered a simple game, suitable for all ages and abilities, but practicing it at a professional level is more difficult and complicated than playing it within the levels that require initial and simple skills.
Preparing for a football match
Warming up
Warming up is one of the exercises that must be performed before the start of the game, as it helps prepare the players well, and makes them better physically and psychologically before playing, as this process is of great importance in avoiding a large amount of injuries during the game, by increasing blood flow, and raising the degree of The heat of the muscles of the body, and their preparation for great physical exertion, in addition to that the warm-up processes enhance the movement of the body joints well, increase the physical performance of the players, and reduce their fatigue rapidly, knowing that this performance is best in the case when vital body systems such as the circulatory and respiratory system work in a way Gradually not suddenly and directly, and the importance of warm-ups is not limited to the physical and physical aspect of players,Rather, it extends its importance in influencing the mentality of players, increasing the activity of mind and focus, and preparing them for the match psychologically.
Physical exercises
Preparing for and preparing for a football match requires the performance of physical exercises and exercises that contribute to achieving the necessary fitness for players, by setting a successful training program by people with practical experience, and a great knowledge of football, and its requirements and physical and psychological principles, so that it is characterized by its comprehensiveness and accuracy, And it contains many things, including:
• Draw a lifestyle that must be followed by players, such as determining their diets, sleep times, waking up and other things that affect their development and progress in the game.
•Preparing players and adapting them to play in different conditions.
•Players practice physical exercises that are concerned with increasing their strength, speed, and physical fitness.
•Determine the best methods that can be used to treat player injuries, and reduce these injuries as much as possible.
•Developing the best training methods that suit the preparation and training of the players well.
•Evaluating the training program, and assessing its effectiveness and efficacy in achieving its goals.
Strengthen endurance
The players must be prepared and their endurance increased, and physical exertion is made throughout the duration of the match, as the physical collapse of one player before the end of the game may affect the entire team, so training must be done on long-distance running, and this is done by running a distance of 900 meters Then run for a distance of 600 meters three times, and follow it by running for a distance of 300 meters three times, provided that between one time and another there is a rest period ranging from two to three minutes.
Basic soccer skills
Ball control and placement
One of the most important skills in football is controlling the ball and controlling the ball, as this skill is the broad door to control the course of the match, so the team is obsessed with playing when the ball is in the possession of one of his players and under his control, and the inability to control the ball properly may be lost. The opportunity to send it to another player in the team. Receiving and settling the ball when receiving it from another player is important, and affecting the entire team, and among the skills that a good football player must have. It is indicated that the player must be ready to reach the ball from any angle, and from Any height, even under any speed, and the skills of the top players are shown by receiving the ball and calming it in one movement,And in the place they want exactly, and this speed allows them to think about what their next step is and their next move after receiving the ball.
Players should have the ability to hit strong and accurate kicks, as strength may leave the opposing team's goalkeeper unable to block the ball and keep it out of his net, but with regard to the accuracy of the shot, the player must train himself again and again to be able to pay the ball accurately, and can be done With this training, through the use of a small net placed on the goal, with an attempt to pay on it, or through the use of one of the training tools that cover the goal completely except for a small area only in each corner of its angles, and then shot through, and is taken into account to the need not to stop Continuous and permanent training, to achieve strong and accurate repayments, as well as the football matches played by the major players in the world,And focus on watching their shots and trying to learn from them, and there are many things that must be taken into account, to enhance the player's ability to pay well, and these are the following:
• Move the player's foot away from the ball about half a meter before shooting, and try to make the foot flat on the ground with a knee bent while shooting.
•Use the entire body to achieve a powerful shot, as the feet should not be used only while shooting the ball, but the strength of the entire body must be used, to achieve a balance that helps to hit strong kicks.
•Correct positioning of the player’s body, as the player must take a proper position that allows him to balance while kicking and kicking the ball.
•Ongoing training and practice, which enables the player to gain more experience in how to hit powerful and accurate kicks.
Passing is a standard for distinguishing skilled players from others, and given its importance, work should be done to develop and develop it in the required manner, and for football passes there are different types, including the following:
•Regular ground passes: This type of pass is used to pass the ball on the field, and is done by raising the leg to the side, then passing the ball to the inner side of the foot, and it is indicated that this type is widely used in a football match, so it is necessary to train well in his proficiency .
•Long high passes: High passes are used to pass the ball long and high across the field, and are executed by kicking the bottom of the ball, then made it slightly higher, then kicked with the required strength.
•Short high passes: The short pass aims to keep the ball in the air for a longer period, until the arrival of another player from the team, and this pass is used over short distances, and is done by kicking down the ball, then kicking it up.
Running the ball is considered one of the most important skills that a soccer player must possess, which depends on the principle of keeping the ball, and kicking it while the player is running across the field, and it is necessary during that time to try to control it, and remove the opponent team players, which is known as dribbling, knowing that The areas in front of the player to run through are distances that are rarely extended and empty, and therefore there are some techniques that can be used to avoid cutting the ball from the opponent's players while running, including the ability to lower the shoulder to camouflage that the player intends to go in another direction, or change the direction while running.
A free kick is defined as a penalty being paid by a player due to a violation by a player of the opposing team, and for its implementation the ball is placed in a region close to the place indicated by the referee, then looking at the wall of the block made by the competing team players, to determine how to kick the ball And determining the place that the player wants to kick through, and after that the player returns back a step, or two, or as he deems appropriate, and at that moment the player must enjoy calm, take a deep breath and relax, to increase the degree of concentration, then pay the ball.
Penalties are one of the ways in which goals can be scored in a football match, and a penalty is awarded to the team if one of the opposing team players wrongly committed within their penalty area, [10] and penalty kicks can be paid in different positions of the goal, where it is possible to Kick it on one of the goal corners, or shoot it in the middle, and the last option may be the best option for penalty kicks, as goalkeepers usually go to one of the goal angles, to leave the center area empty.
The football team must include a reserve guard to replace it with the main guard in emergency cases. There are many tips and procedures that can be followed to develop the player's skill in guarding the goal, and these tips include the following:
•Focus and monitor the ball, even if it is far from the goal, and keep it out of danger areas.
•Choosing the right time to catch the ball, and this can be developed through practice, and the goalkeeper must make sure not to lose the ball after catching it in the air.
•Keep your goalkeeper self-confident and try to read the opponent's body language quickly.
• Avoid standing outside the goal line, and attack directly on the ball should be avoided.
•Not being afraid of being injured, as this may contribute to limiting the goalkeeper's capabilities to perform his duties well.
Goalkeeping requires multiple skills such as agility, physical strength, speed, self-confidence, courage, and other skills, and the goalkeeper is distinguished from other team members by wearing a shirt in a different color than other players wore, but he is subject to the same rules and laws if he is outside an area The penalty, but when he is inside the region, he can hold the ball with any part of his body, and when he holds the ball, he cannot keep it for more than six seconds, since he must then pass it, or kick it to any other player.
In the event that a player within the same team passes the ball to the goalkeeper, the latter cannot hold it with his hands, and it is forbidden to hold the ball again in the event that it is placed on the ground with a view to passing it, as the referees consider any error, or simple interference that the goalkeeper may be exposed to, in order to avoid Exposing him to injury, and the penalties differ in that, as the team may be awarded a penalty, or the player may be totally expelled from the match by giving him a red card.
The presence of a strong defense in the team is considered one of the important things to form a successful team, as it is the responsibility of the defense players to prevent the opposing team players from passing the ball to their attackers, and to block their access to their goal area, and this is in conjunction with the continued pressure on the players The opposing team, and trying to prevent them from moving, and owning the ball comfortably, and they must have the ability to position and be in a suitable place, to achieve the defensive duties assigned to them.
The midfield players are assigned the responsibility of managing the match’s midfield. They are considered as a link between the defense and attack lines. The midfielder may receive the ball from the defense, to participate his team in defensive duties, break the opposing team’s attacks, or participate in the attack on the opposing team, and pay Its goal, and given the great responsibilities that it takes to occupy the midfield position in soccer, the midfielder must have many skills, such as the ability to pass well and control the ball, as well as many physical skills such as speed and the ability to run long distances.
The primary task of strikers in the football game is to score goals against the opposing team, as well as to make the most of the registration opportunities that other players have made, and so they are located in the vicinity of the opposing team's goal, and for the player to be a successful attacker, he must have many Skills, such as being able to hit balls and achieve goals, as well as high skill in dribbling and passing players.
•Correct positioning of the player’s body, as the player must take a proper position that allows him to balance while kicking and kicking the ball.
•Ongoing training and practice, which enables the player to gain more experience in how to hit powerful and accurate kicks.
Passing is a standard for distinguishing skilled players from others, and given its importance, work should be done to develop and develop it in the required manner, and for football passes there are different types, including the following:
•Regular ground passes: This type of pass is used to pass the ball on the field, and is done by raising the leg to the side, then passing the ball to the inner side of the foot, and it is indicated that this type is widely used in a football match, so it is necessary to train well in his proficiency .
•Long high passes: High passes are used to pass the ball long and high across the field, and are executed by kicking the bottom of the ball, then made it slightly higher, then kicked with the required strength.
•Short high passes: The short pass aims to keep the ball in the air for a longer period, until the arrival of another player from the team, and this pass is used over short distances, and is done by kicking down the ball, then kicking it up.
Running with the ball
Running the ball is considered one of the most important skills that a soccer player must possess, which depends on the principle of keeping the ball, and kicking it while the player is running across the field, and it is necessary during that time to try to control it, and remove the opponent team players, which is known as dribbling, knowing that The areas in front of the player to run through are distances that are rarely extended and empty, and therefore there are some techniques that can be used to avoid cutting the ball from the opponent's players while running, including the ability to lower the shoulder to camouflage that the player intends to go in another direction, or change the direction while running.
Free kicks
A free kick is defined as a penalty being paid by a player due to a violation by a player of the opposing team, and for its implementation the ball is placed in a region close to the place indicated by the referee, then looking at the wall of the block made by the competing team players, to determine how to kick the ball And determining the place that the player wants to kick through, and after that the player returns back a step, or two, or as he deems appropriate, and at that moment the player must enjoy calm, take a deep breath and relax, to increase the degree of concentration, then pay the ball.
Penalties are one of the ways in which goals can be scored in a football match, and a penalty is awarded to the team if one of the opposing team players wrongly committed within their penalty area, [10] and penalty kicks can be paid in different positions of the goal, where it is possible to Kick it on one of the goal corners, or shoot it in the middle, and the last option may be the best option for penalty kicks, as goalkeepers usually go to one of the goal angles, to leave the center area empty.
The football team must include a reserve guard to replace it with the main guard in emergency cases. There are many tips and procedures that can be followed to develop the player's skill in guarding the goal, and these tips include the following:
•Focus and monitor the ball, even if it is far from the goal, and keep it out of danger areas.
•Choosing the right time to catch the ball, and this can be developed through practice, and the goalkeeper must make sure not to lose the ball after catching it in the air.
•Keep your goalkeeper self-confident and try to read the opponent's body language quickly.
• Avoid standing outside the goal line, and attack directly on the ball should be avoided.
•Not being afraid of being injured, as this may contribute to limiting the goalkeeper's capabilities to perform his duties well.
Football players' sites
Goalkeeping requires multiple skills such as agility, physical strength, speed, self-confidence, courage, and other skills, and the goalkeeper is distinguished from other team members by wearing a shirt in a different color than other players wore, but he is subject to the same rules and laws if he is outside an area The penalty, but when he is inside the region, he can hold the ball with any part of his body, and when he holds the ball, he cannot keep it for more than six seconds, since he must then pass it, or kick it to any other player.
In the event that a player within the same team passes the ball to the goalkeeper, the latter cannot hold it with his hands, and it is forbidden to hold the ball again in the event that it is placed on the ground with a view to passing it, as the referees consider any error, or simple interference that the goalkeeper may be exposed to, in order to avoid Exposing him to injury, and the penalties differ in that, as the team may be awarded a penalty, or the player may be totally expelled from the match by giving him a red card.
The cannons
The presence of a strong defense in the team is considered one of the important things to form a successful team, as it is the responsibility of the defense players to prevent the opposing team players from passing the ball to their attackers, and to block their access to their goal area, and this is in conjunction with the continued pressure on the players The opposing team, and trying to prevent them from moving, and owning the ball comfortably, and they must have the ability to position and be in a suitable place, to achieve the defensive duties assigned to them.
Midfield player
The midfield players are assigned the responsibility of managing the match’s midfield. They are considered as a link between the defense and attack lines. The midfielder may receive the ball from the defense, to participate his team in defensive duties, break the opposing team’s attacks, or participate in the attack on the opposing team, and pay Its goal, and given the great responsibilities that it takes to occupy the midfield position in soccer, the midfielder must have many skills, such as the ability to pass well and control the ball, as well as many physical skills such as speed and the ability to run long distances.
The attacker
The primary task of strikers in the football game is to score goals against the opposing team, as well as to make the most of the registration opportunities that other players have made, and so they are located in the vicinity of the opposing team's goal, and for the player to be a successful attacker, he must have many Skills, such as being able to hit balls and achieve goals, as well as high skill in dribbling and passing players.
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