The importance of sport in our lives | Your Health

The importance of sport in our lives


Physical activity is any physical movement produced by the muscles of the body that requires energy consumption. The most popular exercises are many physical activities; Such as walking, running, swimming, and dancing, which help to maintain the health of the body and protect it from diseases, and physical inactivity, that is, a lack of physical activity; It ranked fourth among the leading risk factors for death worldwide.

The importance of sports 

Exercising positively affects the health of the body regardless of age, gender, or physical ability,  and here are some of the health benefits of exercising:

•Weight Control: Regular exercise helps you lose weight and prevent it from getting worse. Where physical activity works on calories, and the stronger the strength of physical activity, the more calories burned in the body.

•Maintain muscle mass during weight loss: Regular exercise contributes to maintaining muscle mass during a weight loss diet; As reducing calories in the diet leads to a decrease in the metabolic rate in the body; Which leads to reduce calorie burning, and vice versa, exercise increases the rate of metabolism, and thus increases calorie burning and loss of fat mass in the body, while maintaining muscle mass.

•Maintaining muscle and bone strength: Exercise plays a vital role in building and maintaining muscle and bone; This is because it helps to stimulate the production of hormones that enhance the ability of muscles to absorb amino acids, and thus help them to grow, and reduce muscle loss during aging, as it helps to build bone mass during growth, and contribute to preventing osteoporosis.

•Maintaining healthy skin: moderate exercise helps increase the production of antioxidant bodies in the body, and promotes blood flow to the skin; This leads to the maintenance of healthy skin and delays the signs of aging.

•Maintaining brain and memory health: Exercise helps improve brain function, memory, and mental skills; As it increases the heart rate; This increases blood and oxygen flow to the brain, and exercise also stimulates the production of hormones that promote brain cell growth. 

•Pain Relief: Regular exercise helps relieve chronic pain. Whereas exercise can help increase the body's ability to tolerate and control pain, including pain associated with various health conditions, including chronic low back pain and fibromyalgia.

•Combating various diseases: regular exercise, regardless of a person's current weight, helps reduce the level of unhealthy triglycerides and keep the blood flowing smoothly. This reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, as it reduces the risk of stroke, type 2 diabetes, depression, some types of cancer, and arthritis.

•Energy boost: regular exercise helps increase muscle strength and endurance; This is because it helps the oxygen and nutrients to reach the tissues of the body, and it also helps the heart and blood vessels to work efficiently, and when the heart and lungs improve health, the person has more energy to carry out daily activities.

•Improving sleep: Regular exercise, regardless of type, helps to relax, increase sleep depth, and increase activity during the day. Where it was found that exercising 150 minutes of moderate to intense exercise a week can improve the quality of sleep by 65%; This is due to a high body temperature and an increase in the exhausted energy during exercise; This stimulates compensatory processes during sleep, but to obtain these results; Do not exercise immediately before bed.

•Feeling fun: Regular exercise provides an opportunity to relax, enjoy the outdoors and engage in various activities, and it helps increase communication with family and friends in a pleasant social environment.

•Mood Improvement: Regular exercise helps in changes in the parts of the brain that regulate stress and anxiety, and increases the brain's sensitivity to certain hormones, such as: serotonin, norepinephrine, and endorphins; As these hormones reduce feelings of depression, and promote positive feelings, it is worth noting that the mood improves, regardless of the severity of physical activity.

Types of physical activity 

Physical activities are divided according to the amount of energy that the body consumes per minute into two parts:

Moderate intensity physical activity: 
• Walk at 3 miles per hour or faster. 
•Water aerobics. Biking at less than 10 mph. 
•Gardening and working in the garden.

High-intensity physical activity: 
•Cycling 10 mph or faster. 
•Skipping rope. 
•Heavy gardening (digging, continuous shelf) 
•Hiking up or with a heavy bag.

Global recommendations for physical activity 

The global recommendations for physical activity relate to all healthy adults of the age group (18-64 years) unless there are pathologies that prevent this, and they apply to all male and female adults whatever their origins or ethnicities. These recommendations are divided into three sections: 

-At least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity and its distribution throughout the week. 
-At least 75 minutes of high-intensity physical activity and its distribution throughout the week. 
-A mixture of moderate to high intensity physical activity. 
-Moderately intense activities can be practiced in multiple short periods of time, each lasting at least 10 minutes, so the activities are combined (30 minutes a day), and five times a week.
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